Monday, April 23, 2007

Top of the Line: The Ships of the Vast Empire Part 1: Fighters

Here is a brief list of some of the ships the Vast Empire uses:


TIE Fighter
This small, one-man unshielded fighter is lightly armed and more than makes up for its unshielded status with is terrific speed. It is lightly armed, with only a pair of lasers power by radioactive gas, but makes up for its armament and lack of shielding with its lethal speed. 1,200 km/h)

TIE Interceptor

This vessel was an improvement on the antique TIE Fighter, which found itself out-gunned and increasingly outrun by the Rebellion's X-Wing and especially A-wing fighters. With a maximum acceleration of 4,100 G, it was vastly superior to the original. However, A-Wings could still outrun it and, like the original, it had no hyperdrive or shields. Some versions may have had proton torpedo launchers and many now utilize shields.

This ship was produced in very limited numbers, as it was too expensive to mass produce. One was utilized at the Battle of Yavin as Lord Vader's personal craft, and the ships have become rare. It lives on, however, in the superior speed and wing design of the TIE Interceptor.

That's all for now; I'll add more though!

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